Preferably solid and easily accessible while having a capacity adapted to your needs, the kitchen trash can also fit harmoniously into your interior and even become a colorful decorative element. Depending on the layout of your kitchen and the space you have available, you can opt for a kitchen trash can to be integrated into one of your storage units or a free-standing trash can.
Which trash can to choose for your kitchen?
Before you jump into buying a cookie-cutter kitchen trash can, take the time to think carefully about your kitchen layout and the elements that could affect your choice.
Choose the size of your bin
- Evaluate the volume of your kitchen and the space you have on the floor to move around freely, to determine approximately the size of the bin you can claim.
- Likewise, choose the capacity best suited to the size of your household .
- Think about the meal frequency that you take home: if nobody is present at noon, it may not be necessary to opt for an unreasonable size of bin.
- Don't forget that a trash can that's too big for a household that's too small is often synonymous with bags that go on forever, and leftover meals that rot in the bin. So in order to avoid bad smells as much as possible, do not aim too much above your needs.
- Think about how easy it is to clean your kitchen bin: is the bin retractable? Which material marks the least fingerprints, and can be cleaned in a swipe? The market is dominated by stainless steel bins, which are both aesthetic and easy to maintain.
Choose the way to open your trash can
- Automatic trash can: It ensures the cleanliness of your hands when you work in the kitchen. Indeed, the garbage can is one of the places where the proliferation of microbes and microorganisms harmful to humans is very high. So, the lid of the trash can has a high probability of the presence of germs. In addition, it is a discreet solution that does not risk disturbing the decoration of its interior. Finally, it is a very practical element since the lid opens and closes automatically when you pass your hand or an object 15 cm above the electric photocell. See our range
- Pedal bin: The advantage of this type of bin is that you don't have to bend down or reach out to lift the lid, because it opens with your foot. It is one of the most common and practical models. Unlike the automatic trash can, the "push" trash can does not need batteries to operate, it will have an unlimited lifespan. Practical and hygienic, it is not necessary to bend down to throw away your waste. See our range
- Push bin: This allows you to open the lid with the touch of a finger. Once the "click" is engaged, the cover is positioned vertically. Then all that remains is to push it until you hear the click again to engage the horizontal positioning of the cover. It is an advantageous system since it avoids all bad odors in the house because it always keeps your trash can closed. See our range
Choose a characteristic in its trash can (if you wish)
- Selective sorting bin: Sorting recyclable waste means ensuring their transformation into new objects and saving natural resources. The selective sorting bin is the most practical and accessible object for daily sorting of waste. It will allow you to make an ecological gesture for the planet, to gain in hygiene, because there will be no more recyclable waste lying around in your kitchen, to limit bad smells, to gain in efficiency. Discover our range
- Colored trash can: Of all the rooms in the house, the kitchen is certainly the most difficult to equip in terms of trash can. Colorful modern trash cans will simplify your life. If you are not afraid to add color to your interior, a colored trash can can become a real decorative object and more than just a trash can. Discover our range
Choose the right trash bag
- Quality: This is the most important point when buying garbage bags. A bag that is too thin and tears and that's a waste of time, or the user will tend to put two bags and have significant and useless expenses. A bag that is too thick certainly results in user satisfaction, but it is also an excessive expense.
- Size: The length of the trash bag should match the height of the trash can. The extra 10-20cm is needed as a flap. The larger the trash can, the longer the flap should be. Twenty centimeters are excessive for a small basket, but are just enough for a 400 liter bag.
- Closure: The most economical way to close a bag is the tie closure. The latter is in the fold, below each bag.
More practical, faster and more hygienic, the closing by sliding handle optimizes the filling of the bag, up to 20% more compared to a standard bag!
- Find our garbage bags by clicking here .
1 comment
Merci pour ce super article très intéressant. Il m’a beaucoup aidé dans le choix de ma poubelle Kitchen Move pour ma cuisine !